
Classes and Events:

Learn the most important BodyTalk technique with Diana:

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BodyTalk Access For Singers in Seattle on Saturday, March 2nd, 2024.

For more information and to register for this class Click Here


BodyTalk Access in Eugene. on Saturday, May 4th, 2024.

For more information and to register for this class Click Here


BodyTalk Access

BodyTalk Access is a simple set of BodyTalk techniques that anyone can use to better their own health. Originally this subset of BodyTalk was used in parts of Africa where access to a BodyTalk practitioner or any other health practitioner involved many days of travel. This system was so successful (about 60% of the health problems people were having were resolved), it is now taught to thousands of people every day in many countries throughout the world.

I teach BodyTalk Access and use it myself regularly. It takes 10 minutes and keeps me at a superior level of wellness I never thought possible.

Another aspect of the BodyTalk Access system is a protocol called FastAid. It is an emergency technique that can quickly turn an emergent and potentially tragic situation into a minor incident. Miracle stories abound about this technique and its successful applications.

Learn more about BodyTalk Access